Pets are minecraft mobs that will follow you around wharever you go. They can be edited at your own will, be riden and you can wear them as a hat.
How to get almost every pet
You must vote to get almost every pet and i say almost because there are some that are locked. Those ones are CaveSpider, Snow Golem, Giant and Human (Because of a bug). To select a pet either do one of the following:
Using the selector
1. Type /pet selector in the chat.
2. Right-click with your new bone
3. Select a pet in the below menu
Using the chat
1. Type /pet (pet type) in the chat.
Pet Guide
When you join PlotMe you will be given a bone which will be your pet selector. RightClick the bone and a menu is going to appear. Choose your pet in the SpawnEggs and there you go. To edit it just RightClick the pet or use /pet menu.
Pet menus
The pet menu can be accessed by right-clicking the pet, using /pet menu, or using the pet selector. Here are a couple of pet menu samples.
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ChickenEndermanBlazeOther pets
Getting a Doge by bashcowmando bashcommando
1. Get a Wolf pet
2. Name your pet &b&ki&r &2&o&lDoge &b&ki
3. Enjoy
◄ಠ益ಠ► About ThatGuy
ThatGuy is an AI used in the Samistine PlotMe server. He looks for triggers and fires off a response. Here is a list of known triggers and responses. Please note that if you use /nick (username) will be substituted with your nick.
◄ಠ益ಠ► ThatGuy's triggers/responses
Slap me
ThatGuy will /slap you(Even if it is not triggered!) and say "Slippity slap, there goes (username)"
"Catches" are the things that trigger thatguy, they are to the left of right of left of the colon ":"
"Replies" are the things thatguy says when a trigger is said, they are to the right of the colon ":"
Catches can not contain any non alphanumeric characters other than spaces or underscores Replies can contain special characters, however if you use special characters you must put the entire reply in quotes using quotation marks
Violent or rude catches and/or replies will not be accepted
Warps can help you get to certain plots or designated locations as determined by the moderator, the owner, or the player. Moderators and the owner can set warps. To find the warps, type /warp.
Basic Commands:
/pwarp <warpname> - Warps to the specified warp.
/pwarp create/set <warpname> || /psetwarp <warpname> - Creates a new public warp called <warpname> at your current location.
/pwarp pcreate/pset <warpname> || /pwarp privatecreate <name> - Create a new private warp called <name> at your current location.
/pwarp delete/remove <warpname> || /pdelwarp <warpname> - Deletes the warp, <warpname>.
/pwarp update <warpname> - Updates the specified warp to the your current position.
/pwarp welcome <warpname> - Changes the welcome message of the specified warp. You will be ask to enter the welcome message afterwards. The message can be made dynamic using special variables.
/pwarp point [warpname] - Points your compass towards the specified warp. To reset the compass, the command can be used without specifying a warp.
/pwarp assets/pinfo/pstats/limits [player] - Lists all warps owned by the [player] together with the corresponding warp-limit.
/pwarp list [-p] [-c creator] [-w world] [#] -Lists all warps you can visit. Use [-c creator] to list warps of the given creator only and [-w world] to list warps of the given world only. If the warps should be listed by popularity, use [-p].
/pwarp search <name> - Searches for warps under the given <name>. Use [-p] if the warps should be listed by popularity.
/pwarp info/stats <warpname> - Gives you all available information about the specified warp.
/pwarp help (#) - Displays the help menu.
Social Commands:
/pwarp give <player> <name> - Gives a player's warp <name> to <player>
/pwarp accept - Accepts a warp that has been given to you by another player.
/pwarp invite <player> <warpname> - Invites <player> to <warpname>.
/pwarp invite <g:group> <name> - Invites all players in permission <group> to <name> (group support needs to be set correctly).
/pwarp uninvite <player> <name> - Uninvites <player> from <name>.
/pwarp uninvite <g:group> <name> - Uninvites all players in permission <g:group> to <name> (group support needs to be set correctly).
/pwarp public <name> - Makes <name> public.
/pwarp private <name> - Makes <name> private.
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