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In general, the material provided by this program is equivalent to Informatics Engineering S1 material, but enriched with some self-development materials.

In addition, the cost of tuition fees for each educational program at BSI is the same but there are different ones even in one educational program.

The Non-Degree PPA program lasts 30 months and uses a knockout system with a rigorous passing standard. In addition to the activities in the classroom, students also attend on the job training in the BCA environment. Furthermore, the participants were also given the opportunity to work in BCA without official ties after completing the program.

By the end of 2015, PPA program participants reached 387 people. A total of 126 people successfully completed this program, and 125 of them chose to join BCA as a permanent employee. LIST ONLINEInformatics Engineering Education Program (PPTI) Non DegreeBCA opened the PPTI program to compensate for the increasing needs of human resources and the development of Information Technology (IT) in the banking industry.

One of the considerations when wanting to go to college is tuition. If the tuition fee at a university is affordable, then there will be many participants who can study at the university.

Free Lecture and Can Pocket Currency, Graduated Direct Work from BCA. Get a Free College Scholarship, all registration and selection are mata kuliah kedokteran free of charge. Even the time of our psychotes will get a free lunch. What do I get when I go to PPA and PPTI?

FREE tuition fee !!!Tuition money and money for high school grade 12 semester 2 replaced by BCAPocket money every month (if the force of 2015 his pocket money about 3 millions per month. Info di situs mata kuliah pendidikan matematika s1. Lo do not read it wrong, per MONTH)Free lecture booksGet free health care (even scalling your teeth or want to get a free toothbrush)On the first day of college the maba will be given a bag + tupperware + dictionary + calculator (PPA) or laptop (PPTI) (Lu not wrong clay really, will get LAPTOP)During college, the students will get a morning coffee break + lunch + afternoon coffee break. So do not need to bring pocket money, because it will not kelaperan on campus.After graduating college, will be offered for work at BCA in the back office instead of front office like teller / CSO. (Remember, offered is not required. So if want ya already, if not want ya already will not get a penny penny, but yaa have to find work yourself). And we immediately made a permanent employee loh.Lectures are only 30 months + 6 months already directly graduated with S1 degree. How come ??? So college was emang padet, from 8 am until 5 pm. But calm down, you will definitely feel at home in a class that I think is very comfortable.

For those of you who have worked in the company, at the office, or elsewhere, it is suitable for studying at BSI by selecting the employee class where the tuition of the employee class is not very expensive and also the lecture schedule is held in the afternoon / night. In the morning you can still work as usual and afternoon / evening you can go to college.

In BSI there are regular class and afternoon / night classes. Lecture class in the afternoon / night could be called by the class of employees because many students who are in the afternoon / evening classes are students who have worked. So here we assume course afternoon class / night is the employee class lecture.

One of the famous private universities in Indonesia whose tuition fees are affordable is Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI).

If you choose Dual Campus Program, then the tuition fee will be more expensive if dibandung with tuition of mata kuliah bisnis manajemen Diploma Program III or Twinning Program.

Cost of Education Component at BSI, namely:Tuition fee. Where the sks Mata Kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran kuliah tuition fee includes: Administration fee. Basic BPP, credits fees, lab fees, and examination fees (except for her exams)Contribution of Education Facilities (SSP). This fee is payable only once upon registration of new students and payable in accordance with applicable regulations.Prakuliah Fees. Fees are payable 1 time when new admissions are used for Academic Orientation (Ormik), Almamater Jacket, Student Identity Card, Student Fund and paid in tuition at semester 1That's the tuition component of BSI you need to know. Next you need to know other related things about the tuition of BSI.

B Tuition Fee BSI Program Dual CampusTuition Fee Rp. 2.180.000, - per SemesterThese costs include: Administration Fee, Basic CPP, credits fees, lab fees and examination fees (except for her exams)Lecture Evening / Night, additional tuition fee of Rp 500.000, -Prakuliah fee, Rp 800.000, -Contribution of Education Facilities (SSP) for:SSP Cost I wave: free (free)SSP II cost: Rp. 020/01. /1SSP wave III cost: Rp. 020/01. /1SSP wave IV cost: Rp. 020/01. /1SSP wave V cost: Rp. 020/01. /1SSP wave costs VI: Rp. 020/01 . /1Description:Cost of SSP (Donation of Education Facilities) in cicil 2x in semester 2 and semester 3.Payments are made through ATM or Internet Banking in accordance with the Bank in cooperation with BSI.In semesters 7 & 8, tuition fees are paid to the account of Yayasan Indonesia Nusa Mandiri.

Accounting Education Program (PPA) Non DegreeNon-degree education program is aimed at high school graduates or equivalent who have academic achievement but have financial constraints.

There are several things that affect the amount of tuition Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI), namely:Incoming wavesEmployee class or regular classSelection of Education Program and Study ProgramCampus Location SelectionHere's the explanation:1. Incoming WavesIn performing the admission of new students, BSI opened 6 waves of registration. There are advantages possessed by wave I, which is free of charge Donation of Education Facilities (SSP).

From the description above, it can be concluded that the selection of employee class classes or regular classes can affect the amount of tuition BSI. The cheaper cost is regular class tuition.

The program, launched since 1996, is supported by qualified faculty members from professionals and lecturers from leading universities in Indonesia.

In addition to the activities in the classroom, students also have an internship opportunity at the BCA Head Office work unit. Furthermore, after the participants complete the program, BCA will offer them to work as BCA employees, if the company requires. By the end of 2015, the participants of the PPTI program are 91 people. LIST ONLINETerms of PPA / PPTI:Indonesian citizens;Graduates of SMA / SMK or student / high school students / SMK class III;Maximum age 20 years;Average grade I report grade I to III minimum 7,50;Average score of Mathematics (SMA IPA, IPS) or Productive Value (especially SMK) minimum 7,50 for PPAThe average value of Mathematics (SMA IPA and SMK Techniques related to information technology) or Productive Value (SMK Engineering related to information technology) minimum 7.50 for PPTINever stay class from SD-SMA / SMK;Never get into drugs and other law violations;Passed in the selection process.Tuition Lecture BSI Employee and Regular Class 2017/2018. BSI or Bina Sarana Informatika is one of the favorite Private Colleges in Indonesia which has various campus locations spread across several major cities in Indonesia, especially in Java Island.

PPTI is aimed at high school graduates of IPA, MA IPA and SMK with computer related majors. Later the first day of college, you can get this stuff (backpack for college, dictionary, calculator for PPA and laptop for PPTI, tumblr bottle, and pocket money from BCA.

However, since BCA is not an educational institution, that is why BCA is cooperating with Trisakti University (for PPA) and Binus University (for PPTI). So his S1 diploma will be used Trisakti certificate (for PPA) or Binus (for PPTI) This education program is held at BCA Learning Institute in Sentul.

Non-degree education program is aimed at high school graduates or equivalent who have academic achievement but have financial constraints.

There are several components that must be known related to tuition fees at BSI. These components are given below.

If you register at BSI in wave I, then you will be free (SPP) fee where the cost of this SSP ranges from Rp 1.500.000, - to Rp. 020/01. /1 Lumayankan if get a free SSP, the money can be used for other purposes