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Revision as of 15:57, 7 September 2015 by JOBIEJAMES (talk | contribs)

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JOBIEJAMES, Is a Samistine Player, Player joined 17-04-2015 (April 17th 2015) He is known for having a youtube channel called JOBIE JAMES, He Usually does not Violate the rules of Samistine Network, Witch means he does not have any ban or mute history.


JOBIEJAMES Is also known for being the owner of JobieWorld

Witch started Park-war Against CluckyLand (Now Known as CluckyWorld)

The war calmed down ever since DrCluckyChicken Replied* with Quote* "Lets keep open like real parks ok?"

JOBIEJAMES Is also Famous for typing* random things in chat such as

"My friend* Told me to put a raisin in my cherry drink and try to get it out.